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林詠茵 Peggy LAM


Contemporary Dance Teacher

  • 2023 香港舞蹈年獎「傑出女舞蹈員演出」得獎者

  • 前城市當代舞蹈團全職舞者

  • 城市當代舞蹈團教育藝術家

  • 城市當代舞蹈團兒童舞蹈課程及獎學金培訓計劃「CCDC Junior」導師

  • 畢業於香港演藝學院 (現代舞)​

  • The Awardee of Hong Kong Dance Award 2023 - Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer

  • Former Full-time Dancer of City Contemporary Dance Company

  • Teaching Artist of the City Contemporary Dance Company

  • Dance Teacher of Children Dance Courses and Dance Training Scholarship Scheme 'CCDC Junior’ of the City Contemporary Dance Company

  • Graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (Contemporary Dance)

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Peggy Lam graduated in Contemporary Dance from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. As a recipient of several scholarships during her studies, she has toured extensively overseas with The HKAPA. Lam was a member of CCDC Dance Centre's dance training scholarship schemes 'Young Sky' and 'WuDaoQingNian'. She joined CCDC in 2007, becoming a Senior Dance Artist in 2022. Lam received the ‘Outstanding Performance by a Female Dancer’ at the 24th Hong Kong Dance Awards. 

In recent years, Lam has focused on dance training to explore and advocate the physical and mental health development of children. She is now a tutor of children dance courses and the dance training scholarship scheme 'CCDC Junior’ and her new role in the company as a Teaching Artist.

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